We have numerous adorable kittens and a few more cats coming up for adoption that will be posted soon. Unfortunately, until we find homes for these cats/kittens, we are not taking in any more until further notice. We have posted additional resource for assistance at the bottom of this page.
Check out our
We love to hear your stories! Please send stories and pictures to:
Click below to see our
Winter Wags & Purrs

Please help us Level our House by donating to our GoFundMe fundraiser by clicking on the following link:

This year S.P.O.T. has set a goal of $25,000 for our Fundraising to help with animal costs. Please check our Website & Facebook page for our upcoming events. You can also click on the Donate button at the top.
Rescue organizations like S.P.O.T. are always in need of good foster homes. Email us at spot@savingpetsoneatatime.org for more information.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of animal rescue. There are many ways in which you might be of service. Can you set aside some time to help in the rescue process? If so, please fill out the Volunteer Form.
Volunteer Orientation classes are held at the SPOT house. The next orientation class is to be determined.
Please email volunteers@savingpetsoneatatime.org to let us know you are interested in attending a class.
04/12/2025 Burlington Applebee's Flapjack Breakfast

Skagit County
Humane Society of Skagit Valley Animal control for Skagit county. Stray cats and dogs. Owner surrender with a fee. CONTACTS: www.skagithumane.com 360-757-0445 18841 Kelleher Rd, Burlington ,WA. Deputy Emily Diaz : Skagit Co. Animal Control - 360.428.3211
Rocket Rescue Leave a message at 360-488-4021
The Cat’s Meow 360-588-9900 803 4th St. Anacortes, WA 98221
Whatcom County
Whatcom Humane Society Animal control for the Cities of Bellingham and Lynden. Stray cats and dogs. Owner surrender with a fee. CONTACTS: www.whatcomhumane.org / 360-733-2080
3710 Williamson Way, Bellingham WA
Alternative Humane Society All volunteer, nonprofit animal welfare organization serving Whatcom County. No shelter, office or paid staff - 360-671-7445 501 Harris Ave, Bellingham WA. 98225
Rescue Pet Vet Ferndale, Wa. for T. N. R. assistance. 360-899-8902 rescuepetvet@gmail.com
Island County
CASA Stray/Owner cats and dogs surrender with a fee. CAMANO ISLAND ONLY. www.camanoanimalshelter.org / 360-387-1902 160 N Can Ku Road, Camano Island, WA
Whidbey Island Animal Shelter (WAIF) 360-678-5816
Flower Feline Sanctuary Senior or special needs cats that are not adoptable/need more care 206.440.7766 815 New Morning Rd Camano Island
OASIS Jean Favini Whidbey Island 360-321-4142 oasis@whidbey.com
Old Dog Haven Senior dogs 206-280-7614 Oak Harbor, WA
Snohomish County
Everett Animal Control & Shelter Animal Control for city of Everett only. Owner surrender with a fee. www.everettanimamservices.org / 425-257-6000 333 Smith Island Road, Everett, WA
Homeward Pet Adoption Center Stray/Owner Surrender Cats & dogs. Greater Seattle area. Owner surrender for a fee. NO KILL www.homewardpet.org 425-488-4444 18800 Woodinville-Snohomish Rd
Paws Animal control for Lynnwood, Brier ,and some of Snohomish County. Stray cats and dogs. Owner surrender with a fee. www.paws.org / 425-787-2500 15305 44th Ave W., Lynnwood
Purrfect Pals Cat-only rescue group. Owner surrender with a fee. Will take form other counties www.purrfectpals.org / 360-652-9611 230 McRae Rd, NE, Arlington, WA
King County
Humane Society of Seattle/King Animal control for cities of Renton and Medina, strays for King Co. Owner surrender cats & dogs with a fee. 425-641-0080 13212 SE Eastgate Way, Bellevue, WA
Seattle Animal Shelter & Control Animal control for City of Seattle. Strays/Owner surrenders from Seattle only. www.seattleanimalshelter.org 206-386-7387 2061 15th Ave. W Seattle, WA
Seattle Purebred Cat Rescue 24 hr message line – to adopt or place a cat of specific breed. 206-782-2616 www.purebredrescue.org
Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue 24 hr message line – foster homes only www.spdrdogs.org
Community Cat Coalition TNR training, support for colony care, great resource. 425-293-5467 CCCofWa@gmail.com www.communitycatcoalitionwa.org
Meow Cat Rescue MEOW, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit 425-822-6369 10600 NE 68th st F Kirkland, WA 98033
Harbor Hope Cat Rescue For elderly, ill, injured, disabled, special needs and Hospice care 253.858.6205 Gig Harbor, WA
Charlies Foundation Rescue Works w/ seniors /special needs. Mostly senior dogs but has some cats. 425.444.6162 4016 S 158th St Unit A Seattle, Wa 98188

830 S. Spruce Street
PO Box 211
Burlington,WA 98233
Phone 360.336.5388

Thank you Petco Foundation for supporting SPOT's Programs!